Question / Help OBS Bad Qualtiy

Led Foot

Not knowing what you're doing doesn't make a program look "sketchy."
i said it looked 'sketchy' because the download page looked like something a malware virues would be on to get onto your computer, sorry i have got some close calls with malware and its hard to trust anything

Please, what is a good simple video editor that i can add audio and add subtitles, that is free, and works for obs.

i downloaded the program i was talking about and their was 5 buttons and i was completely confused.

Led Foot

Hey I figured it out it is just in the movie maker preview... since it is a preview it looks bad other. Once you save it and watch it, it's fine so don't worry about it.
I did that and when i uplaoded it to youtube it came out in bad quilty, ill try again.

Trey Geboy

New Member
I did that and when i uplaoded it to youtube it came out in bad quilty, ill try again.
Movie maker works fine for me. Here is a video that I recorded with OBS and I edited in Windows movie maker.

What are u saving it as when u save it? High definition or youtube? Or something else??

And what is your CRF set to or whatever that is called?

What I did was Google "how to get the best quality videos using OBS" and that is how I got mine. Also youtube is blurry when it first starts out so give it some time to clear up... happens all the time for me.

Led Foot

Movie maker works fine for me. Here is a video that I recorded with OBS and I edited in Windows movie maker.

What are u saving it as when u save it? High definition or youtube? Or something else??

And what is your CRF set to or whatever that is called?

What I did was Google "how to get the best quality videos using OBS" and that is how I got mine. Also youtube is blurry when it first starts out so give it some time to clear up... happens all the time for me.
I was having the issue that the file would come up all pixelated. I just tried again and it worked, Thanks!