Obs and Discord Problem


New Member
Hi everyone,

i have this issue with OBS and discord. So, whenever i am recording using OBS with a plug-in called "Source Record", i keep cutting off with my friends on discord for a few seconds. (seconds vary from 5 seconds to 15 seconds sometimes). i cant hear my friends and neither they can hear me. I have tried to uncheck the option "Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device" from "Microphone Properties", based on someone's advice and it did not work with me.

Please if anyone have an idea to solve this issue, i would appreciate it highly.
Thanks and regards.


Active Member
Remove the plugin completelly and test recording.
If it still happens, look inside Help menu. Upload the current log file and paste the url to the log in here. Click on the Analize button to start troubleshooting common issues.
If it does not happens, please contact the plugin creator on the sub forum the plugin have.


Active Member
Disable HAGS and run OBS as admin.

You always need to make OBS work great without any plugin, then get the plugin you want/need. So, if the issue is still present and you keep the plugin please contact the plugin creator regarding this issue.