
New Member
I have started to crash every stream at least once with nothing I do differently... sometimes it is when I close Helldivers 2, sometimes when I click over to look at Discord... everything I know that could affect it has been updated. I have also had it crash once with Nvidia Broadcast but uninstalling that didn't help the crashes. I have had these issues for the past 3 updates to obs.
I'm using OBS release 30.1.2 (64bit)
Windows 10
Nvidia App - Nvidia 3090 GPU with driver release 552.12
I don't know if this is important but the main browser that I use is Firefox version 124.0.2

Screenshot 2024-04-09 170144.jpg

here's the link to the crash report: https://obsproject.com/logs/SK7yrUq5TBq4YeFR

anything to help me solve this would be appreciated!


New Member
a side note my screens all turn black when this crash happens similar to the screenshot i attached in the original post

Suslik V

Active Member
Thread 6C84: CrBrowserMain (Crashed)
Stack            EIP              Arg0             Arg1             Arg2             Arg3             Address
0000004A3D66D220 00007FF8573EBC10 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 libcef.dll!0x7ff8573ebc10
0000004A3D66D6F0 00007FF8578FC5D6 0000004A40000600 00007FF857956E40 0000000000000000 00000000000002A6 libcef.dll!0x7ff8578fc5d6
means that the Browser source of OBS crashed. Likely one of the docked panes that uses this module of OBS made it happen.

...my screens all turn black when this crash happens
Looks like graphic's driver crash. If there is message like: "Device Remove/Reset! Rebuilding all assets..." in the regular log of OBS then crash of the Browser source mentioned above can be result of this video driver crash. You may try to clean up your PC from dust (if any) and update or downgrade video driver to more stable version.


Active Member
Addition: The "Device Remove/Reset! Rebuilding all assets..." in the regular log says there is some hardware instability. In rare cases, a fresh install of the graphics driver might help, but usually it's an indication of some hardware flaw. Overheating, overclocking, insufficient power supply (includes cable/seating issues), or just plain defective hardware.