We are running our live stream through obs and atem mini on windows PC, but once in every 10 stream we make, the audio is not being sent to YouTube when it goes live. But the monitor and output is audible at OBS. And then we have to to stop the streaming at OBS and restart obs then it's all fine.
Can anyone tell me why this happens? We have 100 MBPS connection and our stream is at running at 720p@30.
This sports a lot of attention from audience, the stream does not end from YouTube but after 3 minutes we get back.
You can check this video at 4th minute and 10th minute.
Can anyone tell me why this happens? We have 100 MBPS connection and our stream is at running at 720p@30.
This sports a lot of attention from audience, the stream does not end from YouTube but after 3 minutes we get back.

May 20, 2020|Wednesday Bible Study |TCG| Christ is the head of the church | मसीह कलीसिया का सिर हैं|
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