
Move 3.1.1


New Member
Hi there !
Need help to make work properly !
I don't think I trying to make something really difficult but I guess I'm not setting up things correctly.

So here is my case :
On one scene , let's call it " main "
I have a :
- a group named " CAM " ( which have cam + VLC source overlay )
- a chat streamlabs overlay
- an other group named " Score Board " ( which have some other sources )

1- I want in a first step ( let's call it Step "A->B" ) the CAM source Big sized . then on hotkey " A " , it moves on the side and downscale ( still on screen )
2- on "A->B" too, I want the chat overlay coming from rightside the screen, on hotkey " A " too , going near the downscaled CAM.
3- next step is " B->C " The Chat overlay will Go upside of the screen with " B " hotkey .
4- still on " B->C " the Score Board come from right side , with " B " hotkey too ...

I succeeded to make it like this ( but it was a bit confusing, because we don't have something like " A " step display to " B " step on each moves.

Then, after closing OBS and reopened it ... Nothing was working anymore ( but informations was still there yet ) ...

If someone could tell me what's wrong ( I never use the Simultaneous move )
And I don't understand the " transform relative " function ...

Why to not include a A step display to B step display function ? @Exeldro It would be easier to set up ...

Hope someone could give me some Ideas , Why all my setup with this plugin doest keep in place after OBS reboot ...?
thx for reading !


New Member
In other words , Is it because I used same hotkeys on 2 moving sources that my OBS doesn't save moves ( even if hotkeys stay in place and move's filter stuff too )
I would love to use this, plz help !


New Member
oh well I think I finally understood how it works , my apologies for all the flood !
thx again for your awesome works


New Member
Hello @Exeldro, for some reason the Get transform button isn't working,

- I Installed the plugin
- Created a group and I created inside it Text(GDI+)
- When I click on the group filters tab , I add move source
- ( the issue ) when I click Get transform nothing happens
the values don't change

as you can see here :

Sources :
Effect Filter :
Move Transition options :
Scene preview :
Transform options : ( issue here )

OBS version : 27.1.3 // 64-bit Windows 10

Renzo Mondia

New Member
Hello, anyone here is experiencing black screen randomly when you switch from one scene to another scene while using move transition?


New Member
I'm having this same problem. Screen goes blank and comes back after the transition is completed.
Your issue should be that you're trying to switch to a second scene while the transition from the first one is still being completed. Check the timing of the transitions and make sure they're either short enough that you don't double click them or you don't go back and forth between scenes until the transition is done.


New Member
In regards to my above message, I am also having an issue where any time I close OBS or restart my PC and then open OBS again, the filter doesn't work and I have to go through and redo everything again. Is there something I am missing? I just started using this the other day and I love it, but it has become a pain in the neck trying to go live and realizing I need to play around with all the settings again before I can even get up and running. I have 3 different sources to move/resize depending on what "scene" I want to use (gameplay or chatting), and any time I re-open OBS none of them want to work. When I go to the filters to reset the coordinates, it takes about 8 times of going through and getting the transform and moving them to their new coordinates before it recognizes my commands and works properly. For example, when going in to the filter settings and moving them to the new coordinates and hitting "start", instead of doing the transition, it snaps back to the original position and won't do it's requested transition. Cut/paste the process several more times and then it finally works like it should, but then it resets again when I close OBS and we go around the circle again. Any ideas? I have the most current version of both OBS and the plugin.


In regards to my above message, I am also having an issue where any time I close OBS or restart my PC and then open OBS again, the filter doesn't work and I have to go through and redo everything again. Is there something I am missing? I just started using this the other day and I love it, but it has become a pain in the neck trying to go live and realizing I need to play around with all the settings again before I can even get up and running. I have 3 different sources to move/resize depending on what "scene" I want to use (gameplay or chatting), and any time I re-open OBS none of them want to work. When I go to the filters to reset the coordinates, it takes about 8 times of going through and getting the transform and moving them to their new coordinates before it recognizes my commands and works properly. For example, when going in to the filter settings and moving them to the new coordinates and hitting "start", instead of doing the transition, it snaps back to the original position and won't do it's requested transition. Cut/paste the process several more times and then it finally works like it should, but then it resets again when I close OBS and we go around the circle again. Any ideas? I have the most current version of both OBS and the plugin.
I still have this exact same issue. I’ve never been able to solve it. If I ever do I’ll post a reply back here so others might benefit but right now I’m seeing exactly the same issue as you’ve described above I’ll keep trying to resolve!


New Member
I still have this exact same issue. I’ve never been able to solve it. If I ever do I’ll post a reply back here so others might benefit but right now I’m seeing exactly the same issue as you’ve described above I’ll keep trying to resolve!
I'm glad I'm not the only one! OP please respond! We humbly request assistance!
I'm having an issue with grouping and renaming affected sources! Whenever I try to rename or group sources that have been referred in a filter by Move Source the software no longer recognises the source and I have to connect all of the dots again. When grouping a large amount of sources and then pressing a hotkey for the transition OBS even crashes!
I added the crash report if it is of any use.


  • crash report.txt
    134.4 KB · Views: 26


New Member
I'm using your awesome plugin with advanced scene switcher for macros it gives.
In my case, I have a scene for webcam ( overlays and webcam source grouped in sources )
And an other scene for the chat ( grouped too )
I make moving webcam on filter on its own scene.
Same thing for the chat.
I have a main scene where I put all scenes i need together.

Now here is the thing :
If I ask for a simultanous move on chat it won't give me the possibility to get cam's entry.

that's why a tried to do so with macros.
combining " if filter x is enabled " with " And source x settings match " then " hotkey "

In some simple case it work as I need, but the thing is that " settings match " doesn't take " transformation settings " ( like positions )

So would you know what code I could write in that box to consider current position. wiche would help me to differenciate it. and make macros activating only when my " cam group " is in that position.
As It should work when doing simultaneous moves ...

Hope I not too confusing with my explanations !

I think it could work with something like " pos: x 427.8 y 230.0 rot: 0.0 scale: x 0.500 y 0.500 crop: l 0 t 0 r 0 b 0 "
but don't know how to write this like code showing in the " match setting box " ( I copied the code in the .txt file attached )


  • CAM Settings for macro.txt
    2.9 KB · Views: 23


New Member
I have an Idea of what you will advise me to do.
like not "spliting" scenes elements into differents scenes...

I was thinking It would be easier to set it up like that.
But the thing is that I just can't "call" a simultaneous move to a group not placed in both scene.
I'm creating the move from the filter of a scene, because it allow me to create that move on all elements placed in the group.

That's why I used to control simultaneous moves by macros : when I launch a move ( filter move source )
It is triggering an other hotkey ( from the other scene )

I hope you get it better , if not , I'll try to make a short video. And maybe you will be able to tell me I'm just doing the all thing wrong !


New Member
@Exeldro hey man, please help! 2 of us have been having the same issue for a while now and it seems there is no fix for it and nothing we have found on YouTube or Reddit or OBS forums has helped.


New Member
Reaching out to anyone else that may have had this issue again. Any time I restart OBS this plugin needs to be reset. Is there a fix/bug/workaround that I am not seeing? @Exeldro


Active Member
Are you using Move Source with the Reverse option? if that is the case split it in 2 move source filters instead.