Looking for auto brightness plugin, HELP!!!


New Member
Hi people, I'm looking like crazy at the forums for an auto brightness fix plugin.
I just want a plugin that checks if the colors of the screen are dark, and if they're, then make it brighter.
If they're shinny instead, make it darker.

Its for avoiding that dark scenes look black and light scenes so white.

The thing is that I'm thinking of try that Minecraft Manhunt stuff to bring new content to my followers. But I made some test with my friend and I usually doesn't place torches or any kind of light cause... its a manhunt, I don't have a lot of resources and don't want to lead hints to my hunters.
So... theres the problem: I go to the cave with any kind of light, the screen on the stream is BLACK. I add some color correction filters and now people on the stream can see in darkness. But then I go back to the surface and everything its shinny like the sun, burn people eyes.
I can't go changing filters every time that a light source apears at the game, and cant go for mods of the game cause its cheating and a problem if we change game version.