Just Edit OBS theme

Just Edit OBS theme 2.4


New Member
Maybe a feature request for the release: There are so many nice color themes posted here – would be nice to see some included. The ones included look like they were designed to look good next to Windows 3.11 :P I remember the very eaaaarly version of VDMX which had a super awesome dark color theme … we should get back to that. Of course I have my theme somewhere hidden on old backups …


New Member
Part of the motivation for doing this much analysis was to make a strong case for why it would be cool if there was an arm64 build of Syphon Recorder… and that would be cool, but I think I’ve also proven that it’s already good enough to do 120 fps without any drops.

However, Syphon output from VDMX isn’t able to consistently maintain 120 fps app. I haven’t yet tried to optimize the VDMX workspace to reduce overhead as much as possible


New Member
Version 30.1 beta 1 screwed up JustEdit's theme, unless something is wrong with my configuration. Hopefully it's fixed soon if that's the case, it's a kick ass theme.


New Member
Помогите пожалуйста настроить стрим. Мне нужно настроить вебку так, чтобы когда я стримил в дискорде на экране был счётчик "дело 1/10" и таймер "50:00".
После того как время кончается, счётчик обновляется до 2/10 и заново счётчик стартует с 50:00.


Just wanted to add that I LOVE this theme, OBS should adopt this theme as their default, SO MUCH better!! LOVE IT!

My only wish, which I'm not sure is possible, is for the "Recording" button to turn Yellow when you've hit Pause. I use OBS for recording all my content with different camera angles and such, so I'm constantly hitting pause and record, but it's so hard to see and often I've found myself thinking it's not paused when it actually is...
That's a good idea @Avaie98. I tried to find where to change this color without any success. If anyone here is a QSS hero, I would be happy to update the theme. For now, the best way to be sure you're in REC PAUSE or not is to look at the OBS Taskbar icon

or the bottom info bar in OBS

Sorry but i'm really not a specialist!


Version 30.1 beta 1 screwed up JustEdit's theme, unless something is wrong with my configuration. Hopefully it's fixed soon if that's the case, it's a kick ass theme.
OBS 30.1 beta screwed up many things on my machine. Let's wait for the final release and we will see! Thanks Jack!


Will you update that theme for the new obs 30.2?
Hello The R3Y3S. I'm sorry but I must admit that I'm more than fed up with my OBS theme not working anymore with each OBS update... OBS theme. The cruel lack of documentation on OBS themes means that keeping a theme up to date requires a looooot of time. Today I don't have that time anymore.
I created this theme for my personal needs in my spare time and I no longer have the courage to maintain this project. So I'm afraid that the just edit theme will die with OBS 30.2 unless one of you decides to dig into the code and to to update it for OBS 30.2.
Sorry about that...


justedit updated Just Edit OBS theme with a new update entry:

Just Edit OBS theme 2.3 (now compatible with 30.2 and above!)

Hi all!
I finally took some time to update my Just Edit OBS theme in 2.3 to be 30.2 (and above) compatible.
... and feel free to discover my others streaming assets :
- Audio Video Sync : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v3GPMO_9pI0
- Framerate playback test : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OF7Aun3m9Q8


Read the rest of this update entry...