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jrDockie (save and load window and dock layouts) 1.4


It should compile for MacOs but I'm not really in a position to do it -- hopefully someone else can build it for MacOs.


New Member
Any way to change Dock Sets use OBS Websockets?

It would be absolutely incredible to quickly change Dock Sets from something like a Stream Deck via OBS Websockets.


Beta version with websocket command to load a dock (source not uploaded yet just dll):

Call with Vendor = "JrDockie"
Request command "LoadDockset"
Parameters {"filename": "dockfilenameorfullpathwithorwithoutextension"}


I should say, I don't know what tools people use to send websocket commands using streamdeck. I have my own streamdeck plugin I wrote to send websocket commands to OBS, but I know people must be using something else. Let me know if there are any problems getting the websocket command to work.


New Member
Truly amazing plugin. Thank you so much. I thought of one feature request so far:

Not sure if it’s possible, but could the name of your current dock be shown in the window title where it says the profile and scene collection you’re currently using?


New Member
Also maybe a check mark in the menu showing which dock is currently selected (same as the profiles and scene collections menu).


Again I'm not sure how other people are invoking websocket commands via their streamdeck -- i assume there is some nice polished elegant streamdeck plugin to do it. But if not, you could always try using my streamdeck obs websocket plugin. I haven't bothered to document it much so it may require some experimentation. Please let me know what better tools you guys are using to let your streamdecks send websocket commands to obs!

Here's my streamdeck websocket button plugin:
Source code:


Note: You specify your connection information (url and password) using the connection tab. The url will be something like "ws://localhost:4455"


New Member
Came here to ask about having hotkeys to switch dock sets, but it looks like this websocket thing is doing... Exactly that?
In any case, I think it's intuitive for most people that they'd go into OBS settings -> Hotkeys and find it there.
Not everyone has a streamdeck (I do! But hey...).

Also THANK YOU for this O-SOME tool. Long needed.


dcmouser updated jrDockie (save and load window and dock layouts) with a new update entry:

V1.3 with support for hotkeys and websocket commands

You can also download from github:

This release is windows-only (64bit).
Mac+Linux users I just need to find someone who can do the build.

Read the rest of this update entry...


awesome plugin, yet it does work for anything but soundboard dock, that dock keeps going to the bottom right of my obs whatever i do, may be you know why ?