Issues with 144 fps recording (replay buffer stopping, can't stop recording)


New Member
I started using 144fps for recording recently and noticed some weird issues going on, most notably the following:
  • Some times my replay buffer will just stop for no reason, it happens randomly, some times after a few minutes and some times after a few hours
  • Randomly, when I press the stop recording/stop replay buffer button, they hang on "Stopping Recording..." forever until I taskkill obs.exe, which also results in me losing my recording (which is incredibly weird because I use MKV, which makes me think it wasn't even recording in the first place)
Bringing the fps down to 60 seems to solve these, but I was wondering if 144 is just not supported or if there's some other issue going on.
For replay buffer, I dedicate 16GBs of RAM. I attached one of the logs of when I just couldn't stop recording.


  • 2023-01-31 16-15-30.txt
    13.5 KB · Views: 43


Active Member
Recording multiple audio tracks doesn't work with higher fps. Can be considered a long standing bug with OBS. Either record only 1 audio track or only with a maximum of 60 fps.


New Member
Oh I see, honestly I don't even have a clue why I have that on considering I'm using MKV which doesn't support it, I'll try taking it out and seeing how it works, will let you know tomorrow, thanks!