Iphone 11 EpocCam Resolution and Sizing Issue


New Member
Hi all,

I was trying to stream using OBS for my second time and I ran into issues with my video quality. I use my iPhone 11 and Epoccam which the first time I streamed worked perfectly. This time however, when I connected my phone the size was a small rectangle with those black bars and the quality was very low. I didn't change anything so I'm not sure what the issue is. Anyone know what the problem is?

-iPhone is up to date with 14.4
-My mac is up to date with 11.2.1
-Base (Canvas) Resolution: 1280x720
-Output (Scaled) Resolution: 1280x720

I've attached a snippet of the first time I streamed which was good and the other snip is of my current issue. I think it's a problem with either my phone or epoccam because I tried using epoccam in stage ten (another streaming platform) and had the same issue.

Please let me know if you have any solutions.

Here's my log file:


  • Screen Shot 2021-02-11 at 8.16.55 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2021-02-11 at 8.16.55 PM.png
    865.3 KB · Views: 117