If Idle Macro Not Working At All - Advanced Scene Switcher


New Member
Hello, has anyone used Advanced Scene Switcher before? I'm trying to set up a screen recording script for a user research. I'm planning to make a screen recording that starts after pressing a hotkey, and then stops the recording if it's idle for 5 minutes (3 seconds shown for faster debugging). The macro for "starting the recording with a hotkey button" works but the "if Idle for 5 minutes stop recording" macro seems to not work at all, did I miss anything?


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Active Member
I don't see any obvious issues in the macros you have set up, if your intention is to stop recording after Windows is no longer detecting any keyboard / mouse / etc. inputs for three seconds.
Do you maybe have any devices connected, which constantly produce "inputs", or are you using any tools which produce simulated "inputs"?
Under the hood the Windows API function getlastinputinfo is used and I think it should be rather reliable.

The plugin also offer some visual hints to highlight when which condition is true and you can adjust the log level on the General tab.
Maybe this can help track down what the issue might be.

In general I would advise you to ask questions related to a specific plugin in the plugin's discussion thread.
For the advanced scene switcher it can be found here: