I have a high-end pc and my recordings still look bad.

Yes, I increased the bitrate + all other settings gradually before they result in a encoding overload.

i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz
RTX 2060 Super OC
Z390 Aorus pro
16gb ram
More than adequate cooling

Here is a recording with the settings, I even rendered according to YouTube's bitrate limits and rendered in 1440p to force vp09 codec.
Everything is technically maxed out when it comes to rendering/uploading.

Is there nothing I can do because Modern Warfare takes up so much processing power? And is that the reason why I can't up the settings to result in better video quality? (MW settings are low)

Log: (note I did try to record in 2112x1188 because that's the resolution of MW when you render scale x110) (didn't really do anything quality wise)