Question / Help How to stream from my pioneer DJM 900 Nexus without streaming my desktop audio?


New Member

I notice yesterday during a stream that my desktop audio in this case Facebook messages were recorded.

I was streaming using the streaming keys on Facebook using OBS obviously. I had Facebook open and during my rewatch I heard the Facebook messenger sounds when someone was sending me a message.

I thought I had muted the desktop audio by clicking the sound icon on OBS to mute it.

I am on windows 10. On my sound settings I have as playback my sound interface which is hooked up to my studio monitors. The DJM 900 Nexus mixer is hooked via USB to the PC. I added an audio capture and picked the line in for the DJM and that's all. I only have a video capture and an audio capture for the stream.

Even if you don't know my equipment because you ain't a DJ hopefully someone with more expertise can let me know the desktop sound was recorded on the stream on Facebook. Am I missing something?


Active Member
These are several guides around splitting and handling audio:


New Member
These are several guides around splitting and handling audio:
So there not an easy way? Meaning giving me a straight answer I need to read lots of articles for this action that I think is simple. Or the correct link and I would read it. I just thought it was a simple fix or configuration.


Active Member
The straight answer is to only capture the audio device of your mixer and not the default Windows audio device (desktop audio). In your OP you wrote that you already did this, but still the system sounds are in the stream. So you did something unexpected, which we're unable to guess, and so you should look through the guides and cross-check this with your setup to find the issue.