I'm in trouble :
I had a contract for a small VPS and it ran out before i could renew it. So i had to suscribe again, to the exact same service, with the same build : Ubuntu 12.04 64bits server.
I have exactly the same nginx.conf file, and i did follow the tutorial like the first time.
Nginx is up and running, pushing my stream to two providers like before, but now i don't have transcoding either on Twitch or Dailymotion.
If i stream directly to these server, transcoding is okay, so i definitely think there's something fishy in Nginx, but i can't figure it out.
Here is my conf :
live on;
interleave on;
meta off;
publish_notify on;
wait_key on;
wait_video on;
rtmp://publish.dailymotion.com/publish- ... XXXXXXXXXX live=1;
rtmp://live-lhr.twitch.tv/app/XXXXXXXXX ... XXXXXXXXX;
Meta have always been off because I couldn't get transcode with dailymotion while it was on. Trying to put Meta on and i get back transcoding on Twitch, but not on Dailymotion.
I really don't know where it could come from, help much appreciated, thank you very much