Houston - MIDI Controller for OBS

Free Houston - MIDI Controller for OBS 5.0.2


New Member
Hey there, do you have any plans to include a apc mini too? Cheers

I would like to add more support for more pads and hardwarecontrollers, but i cant buy every pad there is. But in the next update a few things will change. The user will be able to map buttons manuely, maybe it will work with your hardware then too.


New Member
Hi, I really appreciate your work.
I tried to test the plugin with my Launchpad Mini MK3. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear in the list.
I don't know if this version is supported, or if it's just a problem of mine.
I have tried multiple USB ports.
Thank you!


New Member
Hallo mrjumpingjack, habe Launchpad für OBS 1.0.04 und Websocket installiert. Das Launchpad wird erkannt und verbunden, aber sonst keine Bedienung möglich (keinerlei Reaktionen bei Tastendrücken)! Kannst Du mir behilflich sein ? Gruß werben


New Member
Hallo mrjumpingjack, habe Launchpad für OBS 1.0.04 und Websocket installiert. Das Launchpad wird erkannt und verbunden, aber sonst keine Bedienung möglich (keinerlei Reaktionen bei Tastendrücken)! Kannst Du mir behilflich sein ? Gruß werben
Welches launchpad benutzt du denn?


New Member
Hello! Thank you for this amazing plugin. It's great and easy to configure :)
Maybe I found the bug (if it's a bug). I'll try to explain:

- Let's say I have 2 scenes with separate video sources and audio sources. I want to switch from scene 1 to scene 2.
- When I set transition to CUT (no fade), it works well when triggering the transition with Launchpad Mini MK2.
- But when I set FADE transition and trigger it with Launchpad button or this plugin's software button, then it switchs from scene 1 to scene 2, but only for audio (audio is playing from scene 2, but video keeps playing from scene 1). In this case I see the scene is switched in OBS list of scenes. Weird.
- When I do the same not using Launchpad for OBS, but clicking directly from one scene to another (even with FADE transition set), it's working OK.

+ few useful tips for implementation:
- include missing "source name" when deleting source in OBS and then trying to launch plugin
- add generating keystrokes to settings for buttons (this would be more than amazing)
- add mirroring/forwarding MIDI commands (so the are used by Launchpad for OBS and then sent further to use by another software)

Thank you a lot.


New Member
Hey my guy,

Loving the work, have been looking at this for a while, was only wondering if there is any knowledge about implementing the Launchpad Mini MK3? Right now there are 0 programs out there to use the MK3 for OBS, but would love to see it! Not sure if its coming out in the 'big' update?

Kind regards,


New Member
Hi, I really appreciate your work.
I tried to test the plugin with my Launchpad Mini MK3. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear in the list.
I don't know if this version is supported, or if it's just a problem of mine.
I have tried multiple USB ports.
Thank you!
View attachment 65654

Hey have you found a way to use your Mini MK3 for streaming?


New Member
Hey yall,
yes the update contains support for the mk 3. Also the button description feature azido asked for will be in there. But it will just take another 2 or 3 weeks till everything works. The update will contains a functionallity with which you can emulate pads in the browser/mobie dedvices. Implementing that took longer than expected.


New Member
mrjumpingjack updated Houston with a new update entry:

It's all you've been waiting for

Hey folks,

after all this time, here it is, the new version.

Whats new:
-You can now set text for buttons instead of icons.
-You can use multiple virtual pads in your browser
-8x8 only due to compability issues with small screen phones (to be fixed in a future version :D)
-Run CMD commands
-Open URLs
-Setup keyboard macros
-Added support for basically every midi device
-Ignore pads you dont want to use in this app
-Possibility to give direct feedback and automaticly send error reports...

Read the rest of this update entry...


New Member
Hi mrjumpingjack,

Thank you so much for all of your work designing and updating this program. It has turned my launchpad into one of my most useful hardware devices. The features of the update are very awesome and I greatly appreciate the added controls.

I am having one major issue that I am curious about. It seems the program is not remembering my launchpad settings or key mappings. I have tried mapping them and saving them using the new program, and when I go to load the settings it remains blank. Any idea what I am doing wrong? Any chance there could be a quick fix for this? Unfortunately, as it is, it will be frustrating to use as I would prefer not to re-map 80 keys each time I restart the system. Please let me know if there is something I am missing or a fix that is made. Thank you!


New Member
mrjumpingjack updated Houston with a new update entry:

Fixed some bugs

Hi folks,

I fixed a couple of bugs that prevented people from English speaking countries from loading pad configurations. Many thanks to SorcererSeige for reporting this. It should also be said once again that if you have any problems, feel free to report them and I'll do my best to fix them.

-Fixed pad configuration loading
-Fixed "New version available"- dialog


Read the rest of this update entry...


New Member
Hi. Thank you for the new version.
I can't connect OBS even if I have OBS-websocket installed.
Still getting this message when trying to connect.


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New Member
Another bug. When I close Houston and then reopen it again - all pads are missing (window is empty - see screenshot). Only the first session after computer restart (Win 10 64bit) is showing list of connected pads. So when I close Houston and want to open it again, I have restart computer first. Super frustrating.

I never had problem with Launchpad for OBS (previous version).
For some strange reason I can't downgrade now. When I install Launchpad for OBS and try to open it, application freezes (white application window with no content). Never happened before.


  • houston-err-02.jpg
    55.7 KB · Views: 44


New Member
Another bug report.
When I open Houston for the first time, always getting this error message from the application.
I don't know what it means.


  • houston-err-03.jpg
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New Member
Another bug report.
When I open Houston for the first time, always getting this error message from the application.
I don't know what it means.
thanks for the bug report, I'll see what I can do.

I hope you can answer a few questions for me:
-What pad are you using?
-Have you deinstalled LPFOBS before installing houston?

If you want to downgrade to LPFOBS for now check if there are still directories in $localappdata% called mrjumpingjack, houston or Launchpadforobs and delete them, then try to reinstall LPFOBS

Sorry for the inconvenience
