zangets00 said:I think current viewers is xSplit only. Seeing as it says "xSplit" beside it
also @bartoruiz
I can't seem to get your new script working. It's not logging anything in the text file.
FatHitman said:Hmmmmm it seems to be connecting me to the wrong server?
Fathitman is my channel
And it connects me to (, fathitman), It does not connect to the same chat as the twitch channel.
bartoruiz said:FatHitman said:Hmmmmm it seems to be connecting me to the wrong server?
Fathitman is my channel
And it connects me to (, fathitman), It does not connect to the same chat as the twitch channel.
Your main mIRC window title should read "#fathitman (, fathitman) [#users] " , so yours is correct, you should see the same chat as your twitch channel. Maybe with a little delay but barely noticable.
zangets00 said:@bartoruiz: I got it working. I have to have both Overlay and TXT OUTPUT selected to have it output to the the text files. Just having TXT OUTPUT alone won't log the messages.
FatHitman said:.....
Fixed seems like its CAPS sensitive lol
This section displays your activity on Right now only you can see it, but in 14 days it will become public. You can change this in your privacy settings.
Start > Run
Type in 'regedit'
Find HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > mIRC
Delete the LastRun folder and enjoy 30 days.
bartoruiz said:- Added a color text option for the Overlay