again, depends what you're using it for i cant argue for some tasks but everyday tasks or typical gaming and doesnt suffer the like trolls and elites say it does.. for other stuff..yea .... intel CPU are stronger, AMD tend to be faster. apples to apples, AMD has higher bandwidth on Apus, faster throughput, but far less compute power so not exactly good processing unit as much as it is more of a high bandwidth affordable gateway that also can do some for basic things like facebook and youtube and ..desktop..or gaming on dedicated card its, phto editing, actually, not bad like core i3 level.. real issue comes with lack of community support, as everything AMD creates API wise is totally open source resource. while not always case with intel and nvidia.
for example, i would definitely recommend using intel cpus for video editing, and photo editing if a lot of CPU intensive work that can't be pushed to GPU/iGPU. however even the allegedly weak A10-7750K with dedicated graphics cards and again apples to apple comparisons, charts showing frames rates are comparable to core i5 in just about every game(no overclocks). and thus as of right now, nothing that properly/fully utilizes APIS and hardware AMD has for capturing and streaming either.. :( i personally thing my A8 and A10 apus are far more then enough on iGPU level for capture/recording/streaming but it appears to be a half baked feature thats sort of broken with no one wanting to fix it.
so ending rant there.
now onto a valid point about intel CPUS and which to get for noob overclockers: as for buying an expensive intel CPU then learning to overclock on it.. i dont recommend unless you have some idea and experience..nothing would ruin your day, week, month, year more than overvolting your CPU and killing it or baking memory controller or something then being out $300+ or living with erratic instability. definitely recommend getting one that's $50-75 used on ebay if your learning to OC.. if its 3 years old not too weak to real time encode/decode x.264, but have to play with OCing it to maximize it, but thats why u go cheap. doesn't matter if your rich or not, just stupid to be so willing to toss money away. this all applies for everyone not just OP.
now if ur not planning on OC; just get latest core i5 or i7 stick it on basic AIO watercooler so it can hover in automatic turbo mode longer..
and finally if ur willing to deal with impossible enigma, get an AMD APU and figure out how to capture via the iGPU. i been trying and i plan on trying until my elgato HD60 Pro arrives next week :D