Question / Help Games scenes LAG


New Member
Hey guys, i have strange problem. On few games when there are Games Scenes ( when characters are talking or something like that or when there is a little bit movie in the game) i got lag when i record. When i play there is no lag at all. Only when i watch the video.

My computer is :
GPU - Ati Raden Rx-580 Nitro Sapphire Special Edition 8 GB
CPU - AMD Fx-6300 6 cores ( I will change that in the end of the month)
RAM - 16 GB 1600mhz
SSD and HDD.

I had no problems recording Far Cry 5 with max graphics. Can someone suggest me settings to try please. I was trying a lot of things and still have lag on the game scenes...



Active Member
You've got the Windows 10 Game DVR on. Turn it off.

You're recording to MP4-- don't, if there's a crash or problem the file will be unrecoverable. Record to MKV or FLV and remux after if needed, OBS has a feature in the File menu to do this.

Your GPU is overloaded:

22:02:08.804: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 11856 (15.7%)

You are also overloading your CPU:

22:38:03.027: Video stopped, number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 5982/10916 (54.8%)

Your CPU and GPU both seem strong enough to me (more than enough, really) to do what you're trying but OBS is not getting access to these resources. I am not sure what is using them, but something is.

The log analyzer also seems to think your AMD drivers are out of date, but you said you installed the latest? It is warning that the AMF encoder may not work in this case.

Also suggest using CRF instead of CBR when recording, there's no reason to waste disk space. You won't get any more quality, you're just insisting that the encoder write a lot of bits even when nothing on-screen changes. CBR is mostly for streaming.

You've got your YUV color range set to Full. In nearly all cases the correct setting is Partial. Having the wrong setting will make your video's colors look washed out in certain cases.


Active Member
One small thing I noticed is that the only time the encoding lag got out of control was when bitrate was set to 40Mbps. The 30Mbps tests on AMF/x264, as well as the 25Mbps test on x264, did not have nearly that level of issue.

I'm wondering if you're running into a storage access bottleneck there?

That still doesn't fix the issue of encoding lag, which could be any number of reasons. Big thing is to cap framerate and lower the game's GPU usage, otherwise you're starving OBS of necessary resources it needs to compile the scene.


Active Member
No recording session in the log, and you also seem to be running two copies of OBS, is that right? It looks like you have one copy of 22.0.3 running at the same time a copy of 19.0.3 is running.


New Member
Oh, no i just restarted obs, i will put new log after work. I don't know what's the problem with overloading, is there a chance this thing to happen if GPU and CPU are overheating? I tried to download older version of OBS to see if its going to work, but on 19.0.3 still the same issue. I will record After work i will record again and post. It's very strange, because when there is no game scene and i am playing everything runs smoothly.
Thanks for the response.


Active Member
Two copies of OBS at once might cause it. Overheating might cause overload if the card tries to throttle in response; otherwise its more likely overload is causing overheating. GPU-Z might be of assistance here if you're seeing high GPU load with nothing obvious causing it.


New Member
Today i will uninstall all of the OBS and install only 1 version. Will download GPU-Z too. Thank you very much.


Active Member
Your last log contains no issue. No encoding lag, no rendering lag to be found. According to your log, the recording is perfectly fine.
However, your streaming attempt is much too short with its measly 10 seconds. Do a recording of several minutes.

What media player do you use? There are also known issues with the default media player of Windows. Try vlc or Media Player Classic and see how your video looks like.


New Member
Hey i will try to record more than 10 seconds, i am using Media Player Classic. I downloaded GPU-Z and the temperature is between 30-40 degrees which is fine i think.


New Member
So i played a little bit long, now i think it's worst. The entire game play is lagging.

Here is 2 pictures from Arx Control from Logitech.

Picture 1 : Is when i don't play the game and not recording
Picture 2: Is when i am playing the game and recording.


  • 1.jpg
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  • 2.jpg
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