Freeze/FPS drop on The First Descendant


New Member
Hi everyone. I search a bit everywere for my probleme but couldn't find a solution.
So, when I'm play TFD my obs (recording or not) as a fps drop from my 60fps cap to ~45 or a bit below (but it doesn't really matter) every ~6sec and when it drop the image freeze on obs then it goes back top 60fps then after 3sec it drop again (~3sec at 60fps then ~3sec at ~45fps so ~6sec in total). The CPU usage on obs goes up and down a bit but nothing to fancy (like 0.5%).
I tried launching obs as admin and changing my cpu usage in advance setting.
If I use nvidia GeForce recorder there is no frame drop (I could use GeForce but its not the same quality). I don't what to do so I'm looking for your help if someone have/had the same issues on TFD or on another game.

Thank you all !