Firewire audio interface


New Member
I have a Roland Edirol FA 101 firewire audio interface. I am running OBS on my MacBook pro 2012. I have created an audio input and selected the FA 101 as the Mic input. Although the input is selected as the audio interface I don't get an input signal at all. I get an input signal through my MacBook but not through OBS. Any help would be appreciated.



New Member
I've been looking at the workaround but it requires OBSAudioRouter which will not run on Catalina, it seems to crash opening windows. It does say not supported on Catalina so I'm not surprised.

Is there another app that does the same as the OBSAudioRouter or is my only other option to downgrade my Mac to Mojave? or do not use the DV output on the MV500i camcorder.

Thank you for any help.


New Member
I've been looking at the workaround but it requires OBSAudioRouter which will not run on Catalina, it seems to crash opening windows. It does say not supported on Catalina so I'm not surprised.

Is there another app that does the same as the OBSAudioRouter or is my only other option to downgrade my Mac to Mojave? or do not use the DV output on the MV500i camcorder.

Thank you for any help.
Sad as it is to answer my own question, I ran the OBSAudioRouter again and it opened.

I've now got the OBSAudioRouter, Soundflower & OBS. I can record the video from my MV500i but do not get any sound. The MV500i is plugged in to one of the Thunderbolt ports.

I really need an idiots guide to configuring the apps to work together.

Any help really appreciated.