I'm one more person reporting that, after installing (using the linked explicitly Catalina-compatible file libNDI_for_Mac.pkgt), and relaunching OBS (or rebooting the entire computer for that matter), I do not have an NDI entry in OBS's Tools menu. Maybe I've been insuffificently persistent, but an hour of poking around has not unearthed a solution. Any help would be appreciated.
Log file:
You may have installed the NDI runtime (the NDI library) but you haven't installed the NDI plugin for OBS, at least not successfully.
Below is the portion of your log where OBS loads modules. If a module loads, it's listed here. If it doesn't, an error appears here. The obs-ndi.so file does not appear here, which means it isn't installed.
21:34:45.832: Loaded Modules:
21:34:45.832: vlc-video.so
21:34:45.832: text-freetype2.so
21:34:45.832: rtmp-services.so
21:34:45.832: obs-x264.so
21:34:45.832: obs-vst.so
21:34:45.832: obs-transitions.so
21:34:45.832: obs-outputs.so
21:34:45.832: obs-libfdk.so
21:34:45.832: obs-filters.so
21:34:45.832: obs-ffmpeg.so
21:34:45.832: obs-browser.so
21:34:45.832: mac-vth264.so
21:34:45.832: mac-syphon.so
21:34:45.832: mac-decklink.so
21:34:45.832: mac-capture.so
21:34:45.832: mac-avcapture.so
21:34:45.832: linux-jack.so
21:34:45.832: image-source.so
21:34:45.832: frontend-tools.so
21:34:45.832: decklink-ouput-ui.so
21:34:45.832: coreaudio-encoder.so
21:34:45.832: ---------------------------------
21:34:45.833: os_dlopen(../obs-plugins/obs-browser->../obs-plugins/obs-browser.so): dlopen(../obs-plugins/obs-browser.so, 257): image not found