
New Member
Hi Raminjan, I was just able to stream two pre-recorded videos on my YouTube channel, I'll share the how-to.

I chose VPS rather than dedicated server since it's more economical, and what I did was just running two instances of OBS following this guide: https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/obs-and-obs-studio-portable-mode-on-windows.359/.
Then I schedule two streams on YouTube Studio, copy the keys, and paste them into the OBSes. I'm using 8 cores VPS with 32GB RAM, when I open Task Manager, it says 99% of CPU are being used and fps are around 20 fps on both of the OBS, but they stream great without any problem.

Hope it helps, and yes I'm still trying to find a way to stream more than two videos on one channel. My question now is how to run the 3rd OBS, so if you or anybody know how to do it, it would be very helpful. Thank you..
Hi friend. did you have any live stream failing or interruptions or can I ask what VPS are you using? I chose Contabo's VPS the cheapest package for one live stream and after a week it failed. Here are the specs: https://contabo.com/en/vps/vps-s-ss...ty=1&contract=1&storage-type=vps-s-200-gb-ssd
They only way I've found to do this is by using Castr.io. Their YT API will create scheduled events on the fly. Currently pushing 6 daily simultaneous live events to one YT channel myself. Using two Windows boxes with 3 portable instances of OBS per machine. Using Advanced Scene Switcher in OBS to turn on and off on a daily schedule.


New Member
I think i can give a solution...
You can consider a GPU-enabled VPS or a bare-metal dedicated server for better video encoding performance. Choose a provider with low-latency networking for optimal streaming quality.