I've created a lua script "VAPS.lua - Volume Automation Per Scene" that reads a comma delimited text file containing a list of scenes with each audio source. The audio source entries also contain fields for a volume level (in dBs) and an automation change duration (in milliseconds). When the text file is loaded and automation is started, whenever you switch scenes, the script changes the audio levels for each source according to the levels in the text file. If the change duration is anything other than 0 ms, the change is made over the listed time instead of a straight "cut". Setting the volume level to -inf dB is the same as muting it.
You can create the text file by stepping through each scene, setting the volume levels in the audio mixer for each source and clicking the "Save current scene with audio sources and levels to list" button. Once created, if you need audio changes other than cuts, edit the text file by using the button (opens your default text editor), or any text editor, changing the duration values and saving the file. Load it and check the start checkbox.
Now just waiting for forum admin approval.