Unfortunately I have encountered an issue where colours seem to move before objects do. I'm not quite sure how to explain it, but hopefully you will see what I mean by seeing this photo https://imgur.com/a/CTuwtuC
This problem only occurs when recording at 60fps, but not when recording at 30fps.
Here are my settings https://imgur.com/a/E9XqkRY
And this is the log https://textuploader.com/1ob8g
This is my first forum post so I apologise if I am posting this incorrectly, or not providing enough information.
This problem only occurs when recording at 60fps, but not when recording at 30fps.
Here are my settings https://imgur.com/a/E9XqkRY
And this is the log https://textuploader.com/1ob8g
This is my first forum post so I apologise if I am posting this incorrectly, or not providing enough information.