Can record with NVENC fine but can't stream anymore "Stream output type 'rtmp_output' failed to start!"


New Member
Can record without problems with NVENC but can't stream after updating to version 29.1.3
so the problem is like week ago everything worked fine today I finally update my OBS to newer veersion but sadly Im not able to stream anymore just recording with NVENC. GPU drivers are updated to the latest ones. Clean drivers install haven't changed anything.

Log file after openning obs and immiediately hitting start streaming button:


  • Screenshot_1.png
    9.5 KB · Views: 58


Someone that knows more about the nVidia encoder might see something noteworthy
The log analyzer found a few things Turn off HAGS
Are your recording and streaming encoders set to be the same It's saying the recording encoder selected is not recognized and to select a different one



New Member
Yes its set to the same but recording one just have higher bitrate. But strange thing audio encoder when choosen on "use stream encoder" doesn't work but when changing from drop list it on the same thing choosen on streaming audio encoder it works just fine while recording.


New Member
Also I have only one audio encoder in streaming drop list while in recording there is pleny of them


New Member

As of lately I've done clean windows install and I have installed Itunes from microsoft store which causes obs to not be able to use some audio stuff hence that why the problem occured :) Im shocked that its still not changed/fixed as I just forgot about it lolz So yeah if ya looking for fix (audio thingy extract didnt work for me from the installer) just go to apple support website and find latest so from 2020 itunes installer