

New Member

Does OBS support video recording scripting?

We want to create documentation videos of our web app.

We need to be able to program the recording so it replicates a web app being used by a user or admin, so it needs to target specific HTML elements, which may change next time the web app GUI is updated (which means our documentation's videos need to be re-recorded with slightly altered HTML elements).


Active Member
No, but an external script might be able to both operate the web page and control OBS. There are several ways to control OBS, but I kinda like WebSockets, that trigger macros in the Advanced Scene Switcher plugin:

For just one example. The WS message has to get through OBS's filters to get to the plugin, but communication between two instances of the plugin "just works". So you might capture that and copy/paste it into your external "master script".
Or you could ask the author here, about how to format your message: