Question / Help Automatically cut videos every x minutes while recording?


New Member
Is there some way (either natively or via a plugin) to limit the max time of a single recorded file? The goal is to be able to leave it recording continuously, where every i.e. 30 minutes, it'll split to a new file (stop recording for a moment, begin recording a new file)?

Thanks in advance.

Harvey S

A google search pulled this up


New Member
...Cool, thanks!

However, unfortunately it looks like I'm blocked by a bug. Tools->Scripts opens the Scripts dialog, but then clicking "+" locks up the UI. Shortly later: "OBI is not responding." Is there perhaps another way to install scripts that doesn't rely on this dialog? Googling says "C:\Program Files (x86)\obs-studio\data\obs-plugins\frontend-tools\scripts," but I also need to use this on Linux (I'm using it on both), & there's no obs-plugins nor frontend-tools folders anywhere within the profile folder. All searches keep returning this path.

In the interim, I reported the bug here: