Since this forum lacks a block feature, ignoring will have to do. At any rate, I did some additional testing and may have solved the issue. Initially I did the same test but using Xsplit, which is truly awful software, but since it has the same purpose, I figured it would allow me to really determine if it was an OBS issue or not. However, at least in the free version it doesn't really let you dial in encoder settings, so I can't say for sure that it's a perfect match. At any rate, there were two small crackles but no dropouts like with OBS. So I did a little more digging and found that I had not disabled Windows from putting USB root hubs to sleep. I don't think that was the problem, but I disabled that anyway. I then set OBS to "above normal" process priority thinking that maybe it just isn't getting prioritized enough and ran another test, this time with LatencyMon running throughout. Although LatencyMon did flag a few things (Windows processes, no notable issues with the Audient driver), even when I can see it spiking on the recording there are no dropouts. We'll see how it goes when I do some actual streaming and recording later this week, but all this time it may just have been needing to give OBS more priority and not anything wrong with my hardware or drivers at all. I've included the results from LatencyMon for posterity.