Audio and video lag in OBS streaming (only on PC, everything is seen normally on the phone)


New Member
Good afternoon.

I have a problem. When I stream to Twitch using OBS, the video signal that arrives through the capture device to my PC is out of phase with the audio at the time I stream live. However, the lag (approximately 1 second) is only seen on the PC version of Twitch. When I use the Twitch app on my phone, there is no such lag and both audio and video are in sync. I have seen a couple of solutions that by modifying some synchronization and async parameters in OBS I can make this lag disappear in the transmission via PC, but I am afraid that if I do so the OBS signal on the phone will be ruined. Has anyone had this same problem? I attach a link to my Twitch channel where you can clearly see my gap in the PC version. If you watch that same stream on your phone (it's the only one there) it will look correct:

I look forward to your suggestions. Thank you.