Accurate and local in OBS as Browser Source: Spotify Now Playing


New Member
So I'm gonna start by admitting I am both new here in case I'm posting to the wrong section and also probably making things harder than they have to be. Mostly by trying to be more advanced than most of my streaming peers go for, but while I know using a Window Source is a viable and completely valid option as are widgets designed for this, it drives me crazy that if I have the desktop app (basically the source) minimized not only is the information inaccurate, but it doesn't update. Several of the widgets I've tried as well are rather lack luster to me personally for a few different reasons, and I'm rather tired of chasing down an outside source for something that seems like it should be simple enough to just incorporate within OBS itself.

Que to my issue, I FINALLY managed to fix this long standing aggravation of mine by logging my Spotify in as a Web Browser version under Browser Sources, and it worked like a charm for easily a month or two. Now I'm getting this:

I've chased the Support rabbit hole via the Spotify Support options & Google as far as I could figure, to the point of looking into how OBS Browser sources are CEF and even looking at a .bz2 and .tar looking for ways I might be able to incorporate them to fix the issue, but it seems to amount to the Browser Sources' framework just not being updated enough for compatibility. That and its not like I can just go to the settings of the Browser Source in the conventional way Support tells you to just look. Which is looking in your Security and Privacy settings on your browser client (i.e. Firefox/Chrome/Edge) and just say 'Hey allow this' like you would in an actual browser client. In case it helps, here are the active settings of said Browser Source that up until a few weeks ago did exactly what I wanted it to:


This only even worked finally seems like because I retried upon seeing the major updates with of the quality Capture Audio (BETA) update for adding audio directly to Window and Game Sources. I'm not even looking to play the Audio through OBS, I've been trying to use this Browser Source plus the initial Application Audio Capture (BETA) simply so the song information is accurate. But as you can see it was nothing fancy, I simply used 'Interact' to log in as if I was logging in normally on a new internet browser client.

My hope in posting today was to see if anyone might know a way to fix this, or could send me in a direction to help that isn't through some widget that will fall short (I've tried several). Barring that, I'm willing to accept this is just way out of mine or anyone else's depth or pay grade and a case of 'better luck next time' for now.


Active Member
You may want to give a try to a plugin like Tuna. Simple follow it's detailed setup guide and you're up and running in no time.
Just make sure you're not streaming copyrighted material unless you do have the corresponding licenses/permissions.

An update to the OBS CEF is on the works and should be expected to be deployed by the end of this year or early next year, if everything goes smooth as it's going now. Anyway, using one of the various plugins to show what's being play it's even better solution.


New Member
You may want to give a try to a plugin like Tuna. Simple follow it's detailed setup guide and you're up and running in no time.
Just make sure you're not streaming copyrighted material unless you do have the corresponding licenses/permissions.

An update to the OBS CEF is on the works and should be expected to be deployed by the end of this year or early next year, if everything goes smooth as it's going now. Anyway, using one of the various plugins to show what's being play it's even better solution.
Alrighty, I figured that might be the case. I appreciate your response and I'll take a look at that. I'm super stoked that at least it saves log in information now for things like this that are to be consistent and not wipe every time the scene or cache is refreshed. With any luck the new updates may see a change that helps me out here at some later time.