replay buffer

  1. Bootscreen

    OBS Python Auto Save Replays 0.1

    Saves Replays continuous, when not in a specific scene. Time between saves can be set in settings.
  2. Bootscreen

    OBS Python Auto Move Replay 0.2

    It's a little script to move the Replays to an other Folder, such like an archive, when the Replay Buffer is stopped.
  3. M_Nation

    Question / Help Replay buffer

    Hey guys, I'm having a hell of a time getting the replay function to work. I set OBS up to start the replay buffer when I start streaming, set up a duration (20s), set up a hot key. I managed to save about 3 videos this way. However, suddenly OBS won't save anything from my replay buffer and I'm...
  4. S

    Question / Help Save replay is inconsistent

    Log file : (This session didn't save any replays in the folder I specified in OBS - The folder was accessible at the time and the drive had over 1tb free space.) OS: Windows 10 CPU: i7-7700HQ RAM: 8gb GPU: Nvidia GTX 1050 Gamemode is disabled (at least according...
  5. S

    Question / Help Replay Buffer Recordings are Laggy and Low Quality

    I'm trying to record Fortnite clips with the replay buffer feature in OBS. However, when I watch the clips after recording them, they are very laggy and low quality. I am new to this software, but I set the buffer to record two minutes before I press the hotkey and for it to record it as an mp4...