obs streaming

  1. P

    I'm having trouble connecting to Twitch.

    I'm having trouble starting my stream, it connects to Facebook and YouTube, but it won't connect to Twitch. Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-5005U CPU @ 2.00GHz 2.00 GHz Installed RAM 12.0 GB System Type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor Pen and Touch No pen or touch input available...
  2. V

    I need HELP please with Intel arc a770

    Hello to everyone, i am crying and full rage with my new intel a770, please help me. Until yesterday, I was using a rtx 2060 with intel i7-7900k for streaming in a dual pc setup, on the streaming pc I had nvenc encoder, everything was perfect, good quality, low load, the pc wasn't even under...
  3. L

    PC And Wifi Great, But Stream still blurry, any help ?

    So my stream is blurry, it sucks, i want to be live tommorow but cant get it working my Upload speed is 17.42MPBS Graphics is 3070, CPU Amd Ryzen9, and 1000 w power supply. STREAMING TO YOUTUBE My stream settings are currently CBR , 10000KBPS, Keyframe =0 Preset P4 - Medium Quality Tuning -...
  4. I

    Please help me set up my stream!

    I have a decent pc to my knowledge but I just can’t get streaming right, I stream on youtube as iTzClips if you would like to see what they look like before your help. Here are the specs im working with. Pc Specs: Case NZXT H510 CPU MSI B450 TOMAHAWK, AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core 3.6GHz GPU...
  5. G

    Question / Help ||HELP|| Streaming Configuration and Encoding

    Hello I'm having a problem with OBS STREAMLABS and I was wondering if anyone could help me. I started transmitting in OBS Streamlabs now, however, when i configure the stream, and initially, I notice some settings are changing automatically, sometimes My configuration: After start...
  6. L

    Question / Help Streamlabs OBS lag?

    so ive been streaming games on obs studio and shadow play for the longest time with no issues. No lag, no frames dropped or anything, i could play a smooth game on obs studio. i used the auto configuration setting and it gave me 6000 bit rate, for the encoder i got hardware (nvenc) and for the...
  7. V

    Question / Help Lagging while OBS Streaming on YT.

    I have windows 10 Laptop with NVIDIA GPU 940MX DDR3 and core i5 7200U processor, I tried streaming with 1500 bitrate and x264 for both recording and streaming but it lags a lot. I tried changing to NVENC but then OBS deny to go LIVE online. Please help me with the best settings for streaming. I...
  8. mucks

    Question / Help What should my bitrate be with an upload speed of 2.45?

    This is my first time streaming with the OBS program and I am very lost with the settings in it. I am trying to figure out what's the best setting for an upload speed such as 2.45. I am trying to make my stream more clear with the quality WITHOUT being pixelated while streaming. Here's the...
  9. A

    Question / Help Can someone help me get the best settings for my setup?

    Im looking to get the best settings in OBS for streaming to Twitch. I will be streaming Fortnite BR. My setup: Intel Core i5 4690 @ 3.5GHz Gigabyte GTX 960 WINDFORCE OC EDITION @ 4GB Asrock H97 Pro4 Micro-ATX Motherboard Kingston HyperX Fury 16GB 1600MHz RAM WD Blue 1TB HDD Intel 540 Series...
  10. L

    Question / Help OBS Stream doesn't use full internet volume

    Hello everyone. So I have 10 mbp/s upload and a 40 mbp/s download, the problem is when I try to stream a game I only get 2500 bp/s maximum. If I stream the desktop (on twitch) I get 5000 max, but I don't understand why. I should get about 10000 bp/s if im correct. When I stream League of Legends...
  11. C

    Question / Help OBS Crashing Every Time I Click "Start Streaming"

    Today I updated my pc to the latest windows 10 update, and went on obs after to start streaming. When I clicked "start streaming" OBS said I needed to update my graphics drivers. So I went ahead and did that. After that finished, I went back on obs, clicked "start streaming' and got a "whoops...
  12. Z

    Question / Help Blurry Streams

    I've been trying so many diffrent resolutions, frames per second and bit rates that I am about to go mad, why can I make my stream not be blurry when I play games with some fast movement in them, like rust, pubg or fortnite!? https://imgur.com/a/sqXeY7E Here is my Video and Output setting in...
  13. A

    Question / Help Video and Audio getting paused when streaming live on Youtube

    I am getting error like the video is getting paused then sometimes audio goes to mute. I have tried restarting the tool but again facing the same issue. Attaching 2 log files for your investigation.