xObsRemoteStats - "Stats" window for remote OBS instances

Free xObsRemoteStats - "Stats" window for remote OBS instances v1.3


v1.3 (2021-05-12):
- added new config option Title to set a custom title
- added new config option IdentifierColor to display an identifier color field in the top right corner so that multiple instances can be distinguished easily
- added new config option IdentifierIcon to display an identifier icon in the top right corner so that multiple instances can be distinguished easily
- added new "OBS connection lost" label in the bottom area that flashes in red if OBS websocket connection was previously established at least once but is now lost
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Reactions: Or1oN and reStrike

v1.2 (2021-05-04):
- it is now possible to run multiple instances of this program (put each instance in an own folder with its own config file)
- fixed a crash that could occur when the connection to OBS was lost
- improved reliability of automatic reconnection mechanism

v1.1 (2020-12-02):
- added colored congestion indicator similar to that from the OBS main window bottom status area
- added "Total Data Output" values for "Stream" and "Recording"
- "Dropped Frames (Network)" is now also shown when the stream is not live
- "Dropped Frames (Network)" now turns red and bold when at 3% or higher
