Twitch Chat Style/CSS - Simply Planks

Non-OBS Script Twitch Chat Style/CSS - Simply Planks 2025.01.24

Simply Planks is a Twitch Chat popout "Custom CSS" which, as the name implies, turns the popout chat into planks with text on them. Really, there isn't that much to it - it's a short bit of CSS styling for those that don't like third party services.

Installation / Usage
  1. Add / Edit a Chat Browser Source to point at
    Remember to replace YourTwitchName with your Twitch channel name.
  2. Copy & Paste the content of the .TXT file into the "Custom CSS" field, replacing everything.
  3. Adjust the font size in the body{} section until it looks good on your stream.
  4. Click OK and you're good to go.
  5. Ensure that you're not upscaling the chat, the resolution of the browser source should match what's being displayed for best results.
Example Usage

  • The style was designed so that a 570x1590 Browser source in a 3840x2160 canvas would still be readable when watched at 1280x720 on a mobile phone, or 1920x1080 on a TV.
  • Due to security restrictions placed on us by Browser Source, I was not able to eliminate all third party dependencies. The background images are hosted on my server, but you're free to rehost them on yours.
  • As this relies on the Twitch Chat Popout, the theme may stop working unexpectedly in the future until I get around to updating it. This is the downside of not relying on third party services.
First release
Last update
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