v2.8.0 (2020-03-06)
- Update broken - due to a hard drive crash, v2.8.0 needs to be updated manually.
- Adjusted Liquipedia format to gather map info.
- Added upcoming Ladder Maps.
- Map images of Ephemeron, Eternal Empire, Nightshade, Simulacrum, Triton, World of Sleepers, and Zen updated.
v2.7.1 (2019-02-10)
- Added a new Veto Browser Source.
- Added '(Race1)' and '(Race2)' placeholders for Twitch and Nightbot (in a team match these refer to player's races of the next set).
- Added 'bestof.txt' file to 'casting_data'.
- "BoX" can now be displayed in the score browser source as demonstrated by the "Blue" skin.
- Vetoed maps can now be marked in the MapStats Browser Source.
- Added option to enter map vetos.
- Executable can now be placed in folders that require admin priviliges.
- Reworked the Custom Match-Format Tab.
- Updated map images of Acid Plant, Automaton, Cyber Forest, Dreamcatcher, Kairos Junction, King's Cove, New Repuganancy, Para Site, Stasis, and Year Zero.
- Fixed a bug that would prevent interaction with the mapstats browser source in OBS when using the 'StarCraft 2' skin.
- Fixed bug where the maps would not be order alphabetically in mapstats browser source.
v2.6.2 (2019-01-19)
- Added two misc div containers in score.html to allow for more freedom in designing a score skin/style.
- Added span-tags to race logos in html templates of both mapicons as well as the intro to allow for an easier custom coloring.
- Added upcoming ladder maps (Cyber Forest, King's Cove, New Repugnancy, Year Zero) and removed old maps (16-Bit, Catalyst, Darkness Sanctuary, Redshift). Note: If you want old maps removed from your profile, you have to remove them by yourself using the Map Manager in Misc Settings.
v2.6.1 (2019-01-15)
- Added the options to open/copy the external URL of a browser source to the menus.
- Fixed a bug where a new profile would only work after a restart.
- Adjusted the random race icon size of the landscape 'Blue' and 'Blue 1vs1' skin.
v2.6.0 (2019-01-12)
- Added Matchgrabber for RSTL successor RSL (https://rfcs.ru/en/tournaments/list/tournament/rsl-1/).
- StarCraft Casting Tool now serves all browser sources via http. This allows for easier access and access via local network or internet. See README.md for instructions on how to use it.
- Added txt-files score1.txt and score2.txt with individual scores to casting_data.
- Executable is now 64-bit based on Python 3.7.2 (32-bit is no longer supported)
- Fixed a bug where the number of connected browser sources would not be displayed correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the top border of the StarCraft 2 score icon would be cut off with standard Custom CSS settings in OBS.
v2.5.2 (2018-12-09)
- New Countdown Browser Source!
- Added StarCraft2 skin/style for Countdown.
- Added context menu with predefined durations to countdown.
- Added "Add Alias" context menu entry for player names.
- Added "Set Today" context menu and popup calender to countdown date selection.
- A (partial) translation to French is now available thanks to chemsed alias Seireitei.
- Countdown will now display 'soonTM' or a custom text once the countdown is finished - it can be changed in config.ini.
- Fixed a bug where the txt-files would not be updated in 1vs1 mode when a player name was changed.
v2.4.3 (2018-11-11)
- Added upcoming Ladder Maps
- Player names can now be assigned to Aligulac IDs in the Misc Settings to improve reliability of the Aligulac Prediction.
- Added Custom Format for upcoming ESL SC2 Open Team League Autumn 2018, see https://play.eslgaming.com/starcraft/global/sc2/open/league/all-kill-autumn-2018/
- Improved automatic player selection of Aligulac Prediction.
- Updated to Python 3.6.7
- Fixed an issue where the top border of the StarCraft 2 score skin would be cut off when using standard Custom CSS settings in OBS.
v2.4.0 (2018-10-14)
- MatchGrabber is now suggesting upcoming AlphaTL matches.
- Added score and landscape mapicon style 'Continuous Red' created by Seireitei.
- Added a new 'StarCraft 2' style/skin for all browser sources.
- Removed 'Twitch Communites' as they are deprecated.
- Added handling of critical errors.
- Longer map names such as 'Dreamcatcher' are now completly visible in the mapstats 'StarCraft2' skin.
- Fixed mapstats animation when changing the map pool.
- Fixed a bug where race icons in the maps stats browser source would not be displayed in StreamlabsOBS.
- Fixed a bug where the logo would not be swapped when the option to auto swap is active.
- Fixed a bug where the Match Format was not updated when using the Match Grabber.
- Fixed a bug where a incomplete signal was sent to the mapicons when using auto completion for maps.
- Added a basic Aligulac Browser Source that predicts the outcome of a 1vs1 match.
- Added option to specify the SC2 client API address in the misc menu to enable a two pc streaming setup.
- Added Match Tabs that allow you to manage multiple matches at the same time and jump between them.
- Implemented Google-Cloud Text-to-Speech Voices for the Intros - Patreon Goal: https://www.patreon.com/StarCraftCastingTool
- Added a generic Proleague Format to Custom Formats.
- Added link to Tutorial Video.
- Last open tab is now saved and automatically selected in settings dialogs.
- Koprulu custom format changed back to Bo7 All-Kill.
- Fixed a bug where TTS would announce team 'TBD'.
- Fixed a bug that impaired tts.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when adding a map to the mapstats custom map pool.
- Fixed a bug where placeholders used by Twitch and Nighbot would use the selected match tab instead of the active tab.
- Fixed a bug where copying a match tab would entangle both tabs.
- Fixed a bug where "0 - 0" would always be written into score.txt.
- Fixed a bug where dragging and dropping a logo onto team 2 would not work.
- Fixed a bug where the new AlphaTL Match Banner would not be downloaded.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when adding a map to the mapstats custom map pool.
- Map Icons are now connected via websocket to the tool and fully animated.
- Added a new Mapstats Browser Source.
- Added a blacklist for the ingame score task to deactivate it when you are playing yourself.
- Already played maps can be marked in the mapstats browser source.
- Added a 'Blue' skin/style for the score icon, the landscape map icons, and the player intro.
- Added scope and volume to Text-to-Speech settings.
- The Score Icon is now connect via websocket to SCCT and fully animated.
- Logos and Matchbanner are no longer download if they are identical to the current logos or banner.
- Restructured the settings.
- Added upcoming ladder maps.
- Updated to Twitch-API v5 and included the option to set game to 'StarCraft 2' and community to 'StarCraft Casting Tool'.
- Changed Koprulu League format to Pro League.
- Added option to import and overwrite current profile.
- Added the GIF format to the list of supported file types for the team logo.
- One can now use a single combined hotkey for both player intros. This option is the new default.
- Fixed a bug in the AlphaTL match grabber that occured if a team has no logo.
- Custom CSS-files with whitespaces are automatically renamed.
- Fixed a bug to save Nightbot commands.
- Fixed a bug the would prevent the Nightbot token from being saved.
- Fixed a bug that would prevent the Nightbot token from being saved.
- Fixed a bug in connection with tesseract OCR.
- Text-to-Speech is now disabled by default.
- Fixed a bug that prevented StarCraft Casting Tool from terminating.
- Text-to-Speech is now disabled by default.
- Fixed the authentication flow with Twitch and Nightbot.
v1.11.0 (2018-05-22)
- Added option to use Text-to-Speech for the Intros reading the team and player name.
- Fixed a bug where Tesseract-OCR would not work when installed on a different drive.
v1.10.3 (2018-05-19)
- Added option to auto swap a favorite team to the left at Misc Settings: Favorites.
- Added button to swap the teams.
- Liquipedia Image Search fixed by switching to https.
- Intro is no longer shortly visible when browser source is started/refreshed.