SRC-Link Plugin - OBS to OBS cleanfeed transmission

Semi-free SRC-Link Plugin - OBS to OBS cleanfeed transmission 0.5.6

Important note for OBS 31​

OBS build-in NVENC encoder had been changed so you should re-configure video encoder properties.
Misconfigurations cause ffmpeg crash.


  • Add support for OBS 31
  • Improve stability of output reconnection since OBS 31
  • New feature: Introduce Operation Teams that allows to share receiver with another accounts.
    You can create Operation Teams in SRC-Link Control Panel settings menu and use guest code to invite staffs.
    FireShot Capture 1540 - SRC-Link Control Panel -

    You should assign team to receiver after created
    FireShot Capture 1541 - SRC-Link Control Panel -

    Once join operation team, the shared receivers are listed on SRC-Link downlink srouce properties in OBS Studio and can receive clean feed as same as receiver owner.

  • New feature: Add ability to specify SRT latency in receiver member settings.
    The centralized latency value overrides the OBS Studio setting.
    FireShot Capture 1538 - SRC-Link Control Panel -

  • Improve UX: Introduce "No receivers selected (Blank selection)" state for uplink receiver combo.

  • Bugfix: Various bug fixes.
SRC-Link Control Panel (Web)'s change list is here:


  • Bugfix: Downlink stability issue that possibly occur reconnection every 1 hour (even if paid plan)
We are happy to initially release

- Currently we are confirmed working on only Windows x64
- Linux / MacOS is coming later.