Source Record

Source Record 0.3.4

I used this plugin to capture raw game footage across four sessions, and the second and fourth recordings are completely corrupted and impossible to view. The half that works has poor picture quality compared to the source and the vanilla OBS recording I made alongside it. A great concept that's too unstable to trust.
I created an OBS account just to review this plugin. I was super excited to use it, and after playing around with it, it seemed like it would work well.

Unfortunately, after over 8 hours of recording, the file got corrupted. I paid money to use repair software to recover it, and after some time managed to recover the video...only to find that all of the gameplay footage is pixelated beyond belief. Testing it out, this is not an issue with recovery--all of my gameplay video comes out pixelated when using this plugin. Tons of time and money wasted.
This is what OBS Recording should be.
It's a really great plugin. Thanks to this, when I record on two monitors, I can separate the video from both monitors and record them directly without a separate editing program.
I'm glad the creator fixed the bugs that version 0.3.2 had, version 0.3.4 hasn't crashed once and hasn't had any stability issues or recording errors if properly configured.

Maybe you could give some recommendations, like making the camera recording stop when you pause a recording in OBS, that would make post-production work easier since the video would be synchronized at all times, camera and content.

I don't know what the cause is, but in OBS when I start recording for 2 or 3 seconds it says "overload when encoding, consider lowering video settings" and then it stabilizes, this isn't annoying or generates errors, but it does cause the camera source to record after the message passes, so you have to wait a few seconds before starting to speak; and square the camera with the content by the 2 to 5 second offset (this is the maximum that I have ever had), this would help a lot in post-production.

These are minor details but they can be polished for a better plugin.
This has made my life a lot easier since having two OBSes takes a lot of CPU. It works very well except for that it doesn't split recordings like the main OBS (Which I also have to use if I want to record other tracks)

The weird thing is exactly once it split files like OBS did and I have no idea what changed for that. Also: make sure you're not lazy and leave lower layers that you record alternate raw sources visible... twice the files just one is black screen LOL

I think if the plugin could record multiple tracks and could split files it'd be perfect (smaller files are easier to transcode/edit if you're curious why I don't want 1-5 hour videos) very happy with this plugin so far tho.

The only real solution right now is to remember to stop/start record, but I have terrible memory XDDD
It is a good plugin, but there is a drawback and that is that when you want to change the scene collection, it throws an error.

"There was a problem changing scene collections and some sources could not be released. This issue is usually caused by plugins that have not released resources correctly. Make sure the plugins you are using are updated.
OBS Studio will now close to prevent any possible data corruption."

It is somewhat annoying, because when you want to work on other projects, it causes the obs to crash, but sometimes it usually happens that this error appears in the middle of the recording or minutes after opening the obs, it is something that should be solved, because it is really very annoying
Absolutely brilliant, have been using this for since 0.3.0. No problems.

QUESTION, is it possible to DISABLE the recording of the audio track? I don't need it and I just choose to record no audio but I still get an empty audio track when replaying.
Thanks once again for the excellent work.
Firstly want to say thanks to Exeldro for making this plugin. It has been very useful despite it's caveats.

I have found a solution for those who have latency problems between recordings.

Firstly, identify which sources that have the latencies by doing a test recording.

Once you have identified the sources, add a render delay of 60 milliseconds (ms) before the source record filter.

Whilst the sources will still have skipped frames (a little bit of the time being cut off the master-feed), it should now be in sync.

This plugin does cause quite a few crashes, but it happens less when I've added a "-disable-shutdown-check" parameter on my OBS shortcut.

Unfortunately Exeldro has said himself that to rectify these problems he would need to redesign the whole project, which I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't do it.

So hope this fix is a good one and helps people with their projects!
This plug-in is absolutely broken. I've had nothing but issues since the moment I started using Source Record. For example

Regardless of settings, the record quality with plug in is abysmal even when copying my regular recording settings 1:1.

Caused me to have significant quality issues with my regular recorded videos

Through Source Record, recordings may get corrupted when using MP4, MKV files stay frozen / processing and never get processed or recorded at all.

Source Record caused constant crashes so I had to reinstall manually.

No info online for trouble shooting / specific issues.
Hello, I have been using this plugin for the better part of a year. It took a bit to get used to and actually get things optimized for the setup i'm running, but it works great. There were some issue at the start with obs crashes and it not recording properly but I've solve the problems. Make sure to not use on game capture, instead use on a group with a set resolution and with the game capture plus whatever other game sources you use. I do the same thing for my camera. This is an excellent way for me to upgrade my videos and how I make them.
I used in past but awful now some reason it closed my games now even though didn't have issue before and change anything. Only issue before was audio sync but I was able to fix each time in editing software.
Seria bom se você pudesse colocar a função de divisão por tempo como uma opção na próxima atualização, desde já ótimo plugin.
Plugin is great when it works, but I keep having issues with the video/audio getting out of sync throughout the duration of a recording. By the end of a recording, the audio is multiple seconds off instead of completely synchronized like it was at the start. Also this thing crashes a lot so that's kind of annoying.
hallo, this is a good plugin. if you guys find any issue like :
1. OBS crashes when close the app after installing this pluing = close the games first then close the OBS (in this case I've using source record in game capture)
2. when you can find hot key to activate replay buffer for source record = make sure to close the OBS, then launch the game, open the OBS and set game capture to capture the game u want to stream or record then close the game first and now the OBS, and launch the game again following OBS, then bind the hotkey for replay buffer of Source record.
3. if u facing encoder overload try to use HEVC encoder in source record to capture and let the H264 for stream.

and that's it. follow my twitch:
Just by installing this plugin, even without it enabled or active on any source, my time to render frames went up by around ~7 milliseconds, causing a lot of missed frames.

And that's not to mention any of the crashes and encoder issues that other users have brought up.
Got it working, but no matter what settings I put in, it always results in an encoder overload.
overall its a good plugin, but when recording multiply videos it replaced the previous video I recently recorded with the new video...
Its grand only problem is it crashes OBS when i try to switch scene collections. A pity this was a good idea and needed natively.