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Multiple RTMP outputs plugin 2020-05-17

it worked fine when I installed it. but it gave me an error from the second time. I got an error saying "Error.CreateEncoder" under Btn.Start button
I have same problem like "chrisinhim". The first test worked. After that it no longer works. I click "stream" and it also tells me that it would stream, but nothing shows up on Facebook and Youtube.
my setting dont save . and i am trying to uninstall .
For some reason the new ver. of the plugin does so much more load on the GPU encoder when the main stream function in obs itself works.
Checked several times - previous version on OBS 27 works very nice and "average time to render frame" never goes above "1.0ms" but the new version...average time to render frame can go up to !1.7-2ms! and sometimes it creates missed frames.

Rolled back to obs 27 and old version of the plugin.
Bugged, the plugin resets to default the next time you open OBS, being forced to configure everything each time.