Scoreboard that is built on python and has a live display so you can bring it into OBS with window Capture.

Step 1: Download the main repository from Football-Scoreboard and extract it.

Step 2: If you're on Windows install python either from or the Microsoft Store. Macs will have Python installed already

Step 3: Run the FootballScoreboard.pyw file

Step 4: Open OBS and in the scene you want to add the scoreboard in click the "+" icon under the Sources tab NOT THE SCENE TAB and select window capture

Step 5: A properties window should pop up and in the window option select the Scoreboard Program also make sure to uncheck the Capture Curser option so when your mouse hovers over the scoreboard it does not show up on the broadcast. After that is done click the OK button

Step 6: You should now see the entire program is shown in OBS to just display the Scoreboard you will need to color key out some of the edges. To do that right-click on the Windows capture Source and click Filter. Click the "+" button at the bottom left of the filter window and select "Color Key" and set Similarity to 497 to remove some of the spills.

Step 7: You can now close out of the filter window and adjust the position of your scoreboard.
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