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OBS Lua Death Counter 1.0.1

Set up a death counter on your scene, which responds to configurable hotkeys to increment and decrement the counter
(see OBS File > Settings > Hotkey, scroll down to Increment/Decrement Counter hotkeys).
To set up the death counter, create a Text Source on your scene.
If you want to play sound(s) when you hit the hotkeys, create additional Media Source(s), pointing to valid audio files.
Note: if you want to hear the sounds on your end, configure the Audio Mixer settings in OBS (in the main window, under the audio panel, hit the Advanced Audio Properties cog wheel icon), and set Audio Monitoring for those media sources to "Monitor and Output".
In my script's configuration screen, use the fields "Media Source Increment" and "Media Source Decrement" to point to the media sources you wish to hear when you press the death counter hotkeys, or select the option "--None--" to play no sound.
You can manually change the death counter number using the script's configuration panel
All settings pertaining to this script are saved, so you can close OBS safely, and when you start OBS again, everything should be as you left it.
Note: the number on the script's configuration panel doesn't change when you press the hotkeys to change the counter, but the number you see on the scene is saved when you close OBS.
Author: tonebacas
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. Added "text_ft2_source_v2" as a valid text source type in the text source detection routine.

    Previously, the list of text sources was being populated by searching for "text_gdiplus"...