Workstation Shutting Down


New Member
i finally figured it out.
rockbottom, thank you for all of your help! You actually hit on the problem.
It was my UPS!
Due to other issues, I ended up doing a UPS self test, which immediately shut my computer down. I replaced the UPS battery which fixed the UPS self test. OBS Studio now works with no problems. Before changing the UPS battery, I found other programs (Insta360 Studio 360 and Topaz Sharpen AI) that also shut the computer down. No problems with these after changing the battery. All of these apps were causing the video card to draw sufficient power to shut the UPS down which shut the PC down. This also explains what changed over time - the battery degrading. Lesson learned - make sure to periodically do the UPS self test.
Again, thank you for your help!


Active Member
YW! I was wondering, glad you found it. The UPS sounds suspect or undersized. I would have spent more of your $$ & recommended a new/larger capacity unit for replacement. I've had batteries last for 5-6 years but 3 years is when the unit or battery should be replaced.


Active Member
I still have my (2) old CyberPower's in service. Another 1500VA/1000W & a smaller 1000VA/850W, both are about 7 years old. The batteries in both of those units failed about a year ago but the connected devices never shutoff, even when the UPS's are loaded up, just no battery back up. The smaller unit is even powering a 12700k/3060TI & all that goes with it.


Active Member
I was thinking the same... a failing battery should NOT have led to a PC power-off, unless something either wrong with UPS itself, or way under-sized. Personally, I'd get a newer/better UPS, and move the one you recently replaced battery with to something else, like maybe dedicated to router/firewall/access point, or similar?
I have a handful of CyberPower units, and a couple of APC Smart-UPS (1 rack-mount version not currently in use as it needs 8 batteries)


Active Member
Strange behavior for sure. Sounds like the battery was kicking in during high loads but when it died, there was no longer enough juice.


New Member
The UPS lasted about 2.5 years. I had a spare battery for testing, but I did get a new, larger UPS. Went from a 1000VA to a 1500VA. Agreed, strange....


Active Member
CyberPower? If so, I've been using the PowerPanel Business app for the last 2 years. It keeps detailed logs of everything that happens to the UPS (power usage too.) Give it a try if you're still using PP Personal app.