Window Capture randomly freezes on MacOS (OBS version 30.2.0)


New Member
Log file:

Expected Behavior:
The Window Capture in macOS Screen Capture should continue recording an application (such as LiveSplit) indefinitely without issue.

Actual Behavior:
At a seemingly random point (though, I was able to replicate it quickly by rapidly switching windows between Firefox, Visual Studio Code, TextEdit, etc., off of OBS), all Window Capture sources freeze with the error "[ mac-screencapture ]: Stream stopped with error 0 ("(null)")" according to the log file. This can be partially remedied by adjusting some property of the window capture (such as whether or not it captures the cursor), but doing so will cause the capture to become much smaller and snapped to the top-left of the capturing canvas, resulting in unexpected cropping behavior.
Compare the correct cropping, shown here:
Screenshot 2024-07-15 at 10.10.00.png

To the incorrect cropping after refreshing the capture, shown here:
Screenshot 2024-07-15 at 10.09.16.png

I've noticed this issue both on MacOS Sonoma (the version I'm currently running), and the previous MacOS Ventura.


New Member
Update: I tried downgrading to an older version of OBS (actually built from a pull request to improve window capture behavior, based on 30.0.0) -- the issue went away for a while, but it eventually came back about 1:56 into my stream unbeknownst to me, when a source capturing a web application froze. Here is the associated log file: