Question / Help Window capture Cubase 10 shows only empty window


New Member
I need to stream/record a Cubase 10 window. Screen capture is not possible for several reasons in this case, so it has to be a window capture. While with other applications window capture works fine, with Cubase 10 for some reason it doesn't show me the content of the window.

Here is a screenshot:

It doesn't make a difference whether mouse cursor capture or multi adapter support are turned on or off, or which title match mode I choose.

There are actually 2 windows available for Cubase which OBS shows me. But also with the other one, it gives me no content:

This time an empty black screen instead of white:

At least the Cubase top bar and icon is showing. So OBS is recognizing something at least.

If I choose "Game capture" instead, it shows me the Cubase 10 window content quite ok. But it's not really usable, since it breaks as soon as I open a plugin window in Cubase or another floating window. It just stops the whole game capture. So window capture would be the only useful solution, if only something would be visible.

However, I also tried Cubase 7, and this is showing flawlessly for some reason.

I am using a GTX 1080. It is the only graphics card in this desktop PC.

Any idea?

Thank you very much.
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New Member

go to the your window-capture in the 'Sources'-box and go to properties.
Now go to your 'Capture Method'-settings and select 'Windows Graphics Capture' as your capture method.

Hope that helped.
(I know this was last edited in 2019, but maybe this will help someone xD)
