Hi, I have a very weird specific problem, which with all the research I did on these forums I cannot solve. I am using a video capture device and get the red screen with the correct setup. How do I know it's correct? Sometimes it actually works without me changing anything (just readding the source)... So I decided to do it like I had it on my previous laptop (this one is new and the differences are: 1. windows 8.1 instead of windows 7; and 2. 2 GPUs [integrated intel and nvidia] instead of 1), window capture the capturecard software, but this time it's not working... it only shows a black screen on OBS where the video feed should be (almost as seen as seen in the picture below, only that printscreen didn't want to capture the video capture thing either...). Based on the log, I think it could be the lack of directdraw support win 8.1, but that's just my guess, because I'm not quite sure what the use of directdraw is, even though it sounds like it should be connected to this... I'll also include one of the log files, to see if they help. (I've tried switching active GPUs, different windows compatibility modes for both OBS and the capture software [ArcSoft Showbiz], updating obs doesn't help...)
P. S.: I use OBS v0.651b because of the CLR browser for the nightdev follower alert which doesn't seem to work in the newer OBS version...
Thanks for every piece of help I get. :)
P. S.: I use OBS v0.651b because of the CLR browser for the nightdev follower alert which doesn't seem to work in the newer OBS version...
Thanks for every piece of help I get. :)