WIN11 mouse cursor disappears in preview once "display capture" or "window capture" is added


New Member
Hi, I'm new here. just downloaded the newest ver of OBS on my new device and found out this problem when i tried to adjust the size of the preview window.
so basically, OBS can capture my mouse cursor in the video (with the "capture cursor" option checked), but I cannot see the cursor within the OBS preview panel (the whole section, not just where the video displays). for example, if we name the mouse cursor I use for operations as "A" and the mouse cursor recorded in the captured video of me doing things as "B," normally I can see both A and B while I'm in the OBS program, but now every time after adding "display capture" or "window capture" into the scene, the cursor A disappears and I can only see B. A only appears when I'm pointing at sections other than the preview panel or outside the obs window. the capture method I used is "automatic", "win10 (1903 and up)" is the same, "DXGI desktop duplication" can show cursor A but it's not capturing the video.
It's fine recording generally like this (I don't stream so didn't try) because everything I do does get captured, but I want to adjust the size and position of the capture and I need to see where my mouse is to do that. i have searched on the internet and didn't find anyone with a similar issue. i assume it's because of win11 because I tried using this ver of OBS on my old win10 device, it worked fine. cursor A is white and cursor B is black so I know which one I was. so what should I do that can get this back? - here is the log file, big thanks to anyone who wants to help!


New Member
I had this same issue. In the end it turned out to be caused by using an inverted mouse pointer (Settings > Accessibility > Mouse pointer and touch). Switching to a different pointer solved the issue for me.


New Member
I had this same issue. In the end it turned out to be caused by using an inverted mouse pointer (Settings > Accessibility > Mouse pointer and touch). Switching to a different pointer solved the issue for me.
I've been racking my brains for DAYS! This worked! So far so good! Thank you!