Question / Help Will a capture card solve full screen game streaming issue?


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Re: Will a capture card solve full screen game streaming iss

Sure you all are right, but as a windows 7 user im really screwed with the current monitor capture. In a long term we need a solution which works properly on windows 7.

Yes, capturing the monitor on Windows 7 has performance issues. Why? Because of how Windows 7 handles rendering it.

This isn't an OBS issue. It is not something that can be "fixed". This is why people are upset about your posts. You are asking us to fix something that isn't broken, or alternatively, cannot be fixed, to which you respond with "well then you're not supporting your users".

No. That logic is absolutely absurd and enraging, hence peoples reactions.


Town drunk
Re: Will a capture card solve full screen game streaming iss

Ragnos said:
I start to believe you don't want understand me.

I'm able to get used to a new ui. But im not able to get used to a ui which basiclly doesn't make any sense on desktops.
I can stream older games very fine on windows 7. I don't consider UT2004 to the older games, would consider d2 as one. Also, where is the good design in bumping a tablet ui on top on a windows 7 build, enhancing some of the features which weren't touched in decaded (hi taskmgr) and put some sugar on top of directx (duplication). Thats windows 8 for me. I give a fk on boot times, if my pc boots longer, i got more time to get me a coffee - no feature i consider for this discussion. And i never said there should be no impact at all by using software capture, everyone with some IQ should expect that such a software needs resources, but its bad if it needs to much of them.

After vista almost no one stepped over since it really was crap. Then windows 7 came and the users started migrating. You should consider that windows 7 _could_ become the next windows xp, since the people which already had a hard time accepting windows 7 won't accept windows 8 in a long term.

For me, Windows 8 is a step back, not forward. I accept that you have another opinion on that, you should accept mine opinion and that of a couple hundredthousand other users.

Btw, here is a record of an obs session i just did with 1080p60. It just a lol-spectator-session, but imagine to play with those framerates. If you can't, my bad, but this discussion is over for me since it seems that we can't get to any consense, sadly. We would end up throwing cotton balls against each other or something like that...

And again: It was not my intention to make anyone here angry, but it seems that i did with my postings. Im deeply sorry for that, but you should consider not to take things like this that personally, at least it seems for me that you guys do.
OBS is a great project and i will advertise it where i can and recommend it, but there are issues which should be thught of atleast. I would also contribute code and stuff, but i can't since im complete braindead at coding stuff. :<
I'm sorry, but I just can't agree with your opinions on Windows 8 as they have no basis in fact. Windows 8 got an extremely bad rap because of many uninformed reviewers/users who clearly felt the need to get on some Microsoft hate train. But anyway, that's the last I will say on this as things have clearly gotten off topic >_<


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Re: Will a capture card solve full screen game streaming iss

Note, what I'm about to say is my personal opinion.

I'm on the windows 8 hate train. I think it's horrible. Windows 8 monitor capture is super nice, but subjectively, I hate windows 8 as a whole. But I hate microsoft in general, though I did like windows 7. There was nothing wrong with windows 7 that needed changing in my opinion. Windows 8 monitor capture is super nice, yes, but I can't disagree with the guy at all for hating windows 8. I feel the same way. I'm probably going to downgrade back to windows 7 to be honest.

There is no "good solution" for capturing full monitor via software in windows 7/vista currently. The best bet is to use window capture and game capture on your games, as they're the best and most efficient methods.

...What was the topic again?
Re: Will a capture card solve full screen game streaming iss

Yes windows 8 sucks , but that was just thrown out there since it is ONE of the things you could do to potentially improve your experience.

Streaming Games at 1080p 60fps is a very resource demanding task , currently it is NOT possible to stream ONLY with a software solution at 1080p without feeling the impact (unless its a flash/low resource game or your desktop).

Unless you buy a second pc with a very expensive capture card that can output 1080p@60fps you are stuck with the problems you are experiencing right now.

If you don't want to buy a second pc and a capture card or upgrade your current system to something like an I7 3960 with a GTX Titan (and even then OBS would still be your best bet out of every software on the market). -----> NO ONE can help you , since there is NO fix that other people can provide for you.

So lets sum it up,

Potential fixes for you so you can finally stream LOL @ 1080p@60Fps.

1. Buy a new PC + expensive Capture Card.
2. Upgrade your system to the most expensive hardware out there (and even then , some games might give you issues)
3. Wait until someday in the future something will make it possible to stream @ your desired settings without paying/buying anything with a regular pc
4. live with your 40fps in LOL while streaming @ 1080p@60FPS with OBS (which is still your best option).
5. Jim sells his soul to the devil so the devil gives him the source code to Hellstreamer Software 8.1b in order to help YOU.

Pick one!

Back to Topic , YES a Capture card will solve full screen game streaming issues!

I am sorry , but i needed to post that!