Question / Help Which server to stream to not lag europeans?


New Member
Anyone know which stream locations don't lag european viewers? I tried streaming los angeles and san fransisco, half of the euro viewers lagged


New Member
There must be some settings I can play with or something!? They keep saying that it's the "only" stream that stutters for them. I drop 0% frames, why is it just me?! What settings can I try messing with that might help?

Also, at the bottom right of OBS where it shows your streaming speed, it fluctuates a bit. I chose 2k CBR and It constantly changes from 1800kb to 2200kb, is this normal?


Forum Admin
The server you stream to doesn't really matter as the ingest servers are not the same as the output servers. If your viewers are lagging, that is a problem on twitch's end.


The issue is with twitch, sadly, it seems to be related to the twitch personal traffic shaping policies.

As R1CH pointed out, it doesn't matter to anyone (but yourself and your connection) which server you stream to as they only take the data in, but do not distribute it to the viewers.