What is a normal percentage of missed/skipped frames due to lag?


New Member
I'm currently getting 0.8% for both frames missed and frames skipped from playing Valorant with Discord, Spotify, SteelSeries GG and Opera GX in the background. I've also got Replay Buffer enabled with settings from the auto-wizard and I'm not recording or streaming. My CPU utilization is pretty much constantly at 100% while in a match.

Here's my log: https://obsproject.com/logs/vzfZN0Fd80XD6SZt


There are no exact numbers. I can say that no more than 1%, after which it becomes a problem.

You definitely need to buy a new CPU, as it is a weak point and your video card cannot reach its potential. Preferably i5 12th generation (Alder Lake) or something better.

Also fix this


Active Member
By having
20:51:30.082: base resolution: 2560x1440
20:51:30.082: output resolution: 1920x1080
you are making computer do extra work. Do you actually need those to be different?

My understanding as a user - If you are running OBS Studio, then it is doing most, if not all, the rendering work already, regardless of Recording/Streaming. In my case, as I Record at a 3X bitrate of my Stream, that causes extra work, but in general creating the Preview Window is the bulk of the computational workload. Using Studio Mode = 2X the rendering work

And yea.. if CPU pegged at 100%, then you are bound to end up with wacky results. Windows OS does NOT behave well under sustained 100% load, any more than a car likes to run for hours at redline.

Then you have audio sources with mis-matched sampling rates, and something odd in CoreAudio triplicate in log??
For Recording there is a big RED warning about not recording to MP4 (there is no good reason for doing so. remux if needed). I don't use Replay feature, but I assume OBS Studio does NOT default to an unsafe for recording format (MP4)


New Member
Thanks for these replies! I've now sorted out the audio format issue by rewiring my virtual audio devices. I also changed the output resolution to my base resolution, I changed my recordings to .mkv (with remux set to mp4 for editing purposes), and turned off my preview. Not sure what the CoreAudio thing is, as I can't see what's wrong in the log (I tried ctrl+f for both "AAC" and "Core" and I don't see anything strange). The analyzer doesn't mention it, but the CoreAudio encoder is a plugin (of sorts, I suppose) that I installed after reading good things about it. That might explain what you're seeing, I'm sorry if it doesn't.

After playing Valorant for a few minutes with these changes while also using Replay Buffer, I can happily report that I had ZERO missed or skipped frames! Thanks both of you for your help.

If either of you are curious to see the new log, here it is: https://obsproject.com/logs/MLEBiQEb0r0ukbDRa

I'll be looking into upgrading my PC once I have the money for it. I'm gonna need both a new CPU and MOBO, and I might get a new chassis as well for a CPU cooler I bought a while back that doesn't fit for my microATX setup.