Bug Report Webcam Problem


New Member
Hi there Jim.
for some strange reason, my webcam cam doesnt work with the 64bit version of OBS.
Any clue this is happening?

Like i have told you in the chat, you have to creat a support button with your paypal account.

Thanks for the software and happy new year to you all.


Forum Admin
Most likely it doesn't have 64 bit compatible filter drivers. Using the 32 bit version is recommended for this reason.


New Member
thanks for the fast aswer.
but is there any advantages of using the 64bit version of OBS?
i have 16gb of ram on my system, thats why i was using the 64bit.


Forum Admin
No advantages, it's only necessary for capturing 64 bit games with game capture.


There is one big advantage. OBS uses libx264 for encoding video and x264 sees about a 8-12% increase in encoding speed using 64-bit.


New Member
hmm, in fact its a good advantage for 64bit version.
any fix i can apply to solve my webcam problems?
or any advice to watch when buying my next webcam so it works out?


Forum Admin
Dopefish said:
There is one big advantage. OBS uses libx264 for encoding video and x264 sees about a 8-12% increase in encoding speed using 64-bit.
I did some rough benchmarks here and saw a 5% improvement with 64 bit, not sure if it's worth the compatibility headache though :).


There is additional overhead in OBS. libx264 is just used to encode video. Add in capturing of the screen, audio, etc. and the gains won't be as noticeable. The important thing is that the encoding should still faster. Depending on users' computer specifications even 5% can be worth it. You can use the extra gain to either increase to a higher bitrate or preset that you couldn't use before, or just use it to save CPU usage. The 8-12% gain I mentioned has to do with just straight video encoding, and it's also dependent on settings used.

I find that often software capture works better than game capture. So having the ability to use 64-bit for software capture definitely helps out.