Question / Help Visual Glitches On Recordings

This is my first post about OBS - I used to use FRAPS with success, but iRacing blocked use of my version leading me to using OBS.

When I record with it, I get a strange glowing effect around the cars in my videos, and it seems to be slightly saturated. This is very noticeable in the final shot of this video:

Here are my settings:

Would anyone happen to know what's going on?



Forum Moderator
The settings in your screenshots don't correspond with the YouTube video linked. The video shows a 1080p60 option, the screenshots show you downscaling to 720p60 and using a crf value that should result much higher quality overall, even if YouTube does re-encode everything. That video just looks bad. Based on the amount of aliasing in the video I would guess that the game itself isn't even running at 1920x1080.
I believe I may have found my problem - my source files look excellent, however they exported as .flv. I only use Windows Movie Maker to export my files, so there's no way to run an flv file through that without another program. I believe the program I used downgraded my video quality and caused this problem. Is there any way to change what file format OBS exports as?

EDIT: Figured it out - I'll check tomorrow to see if it worked. Thanks!